The master categories are varied and uplifting. The live coffee chats supply perception, subject, and opportunity. And in combination doctor instructors and fellow scholars share sacred conversations, encouragement, and a community of help. Join us and see how easy and fun true transformation can be. “Inspirista, cultivator of sacred community, and supporter of womens dreams, Bestselling Publisher Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and helps women in mastering doctor art of living so they can create and live doctor life in their dreams. A former welfare mom, high school dropout and queen of self sabotage, Linda knows first hand doctor journey of curative, forgiveness and transformation and doctor importance of embracing doctor dreams on your heart. Identifying road slipperiness using automobiles as a mobile sensing platform has been one of doctor freshest analysis topics for doctor last two many years. Pilli Sihvola invented a vehicle based road climate data collection system medical observe road climate data on Finnish roads . Wang et al. constructed a automobile based tire road friction estimation system that analyzed data from varied sensors equipped in a test automobile . Nakatsuji et al. proposed a singular method according to a genetic algorithm and doctor unscented Kalman filter scientific estimate tire road friction using automobile sensor data .